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Misson and Vision

Campus Mission Statement:

The mission of Judson Care Academy is to meet the unique educational, social, and emotional needs of our diverse student population in a safe and nurturing environment to encourage students to develop an enthusiasm for life-long learning and pursue post-high school opportunities.

Campus Vision Statement:

At Judson CARE Academy, our goal is to empower students to develop skills necessary for success in a global society. The Alternative Education program focuses on developing the “whole student,” by emphasizing transferable skills leading to academic success and productive citizenship.

Philosophy of Judson CARE Academy

Our philosophy incorporates the belief that all students can learn and that schools exist for that purpose.  We continue to participate in the restructuring of American education. 
As we forge into the twenty-first century, we remind ourselves of our need for academic achievement, community involvement, and moral responsibility.  The realities of our world cause us to extend our knowledge and understanding beyond our immediate community.  We must be able to think critically and creatively about problem identification and problem solving within the context of global needs.
Academic courses are set and continuously revised at Judson Care Academy in order to provide our students with the skills and knowledge they will need in their adult lives. Our efforts will be directed to the development of productive citizens of our nation and our world.  Each classroom teacher’s motivation and enthusiasm become as much an integral part of any lesson as the student and the course content. Intellectuality, cooperative problem solving, moral responsibility, and sensitivity to a multi-cultural and global society are characteristics that we will strive to promote in our students.